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Rehabilitation of moving activity and nervous-muscular coordination at defeats of the central nervous system after Skorbun-Zverev method: removal of spasticity, atonic muscles tone restoration, accelerated record of base movements in a memory
The possibilities of this course of treatment are reflected in our data
taken from results atchieved by patients between two and forty-six years of age who
underwent from one to ten treatment courses.
- Following between one and five applications of the given method there
is a significant reduction and, in some cases, complete remission of spasticity.
Normal functioning of proprioceptors is achieved through initiation of
a method for activating gamma motor neurons; this achieves initiation of
previously non-working [atony] muscles. Peripheral sections of the
nerve system are rehabilitated.
- The elimination of spasticity and the practically complete elimination
of contractions make it possible to develop redundant chorda.
The amount of mobility is determined by the intensiveness and correct application
of physical therapy during intervals between courses of treatment.
The concentration of attention is increased in conditions of heightened
activity (hyperkinesia) together with a reduction in the uncontrollability
of movements.
- The tone of synergists are equalized and formerly inactive muscles begin
to become restored as a result of physical therapy; simultaneously, all
synergists, to one degree or another, are found to be in working condition.
Thus, in contrast to elimination of spasms by means of medications—during
which mobility for extended periods of time is rendered impossible—our
method enables the patient, to experience mobility to some extent; amplitude
[of mobility] increases over time.
- Normal bone development which was hindered by the onset of spasticity
is restored. Fine motor coordination of the fingers is enhanced.
- This method provides for quickened retention of correct body poses.
This significantly reduces fear, which inhibits chances for greater mobility.
Eventually, free mobility occurs.
- As an individual example, an expensive surgical operation is, in many
instances, the only means of uncrossing legs of patients afflicted with
spasms of the thigh muscles. This operation leaves the patient bed-ridden
for a lengthy period of time, following which he must undergo an extensive
course of post-operative physical therapy. Moreover, this approach
fails to eliminate the root cause; i.e., dysfunctions of the central nervous
system resulting from defects of the brain. On the contrary, new
problems are created which, in turn, require additional surgical operations.
Our experience indicates that this problem can be resolved by undergoing
one or two series of treatments.
- Our developed complex of rehabilitative procedures leads to elimination
of spasticity and to restoration of muscle tone to the back, neck, and
face, following which the patient can achieve normal body poses and speech.
- Our patient Alexandra S. (year of birth – 1994) underwent ten treatment
courses, beginning in December 1996; in 1999, her diagnosis of infantile
cerebral palsy was revoked as a result of medical observation and electronic
- A unique feature of this method of treatment is its effectiveness regardless
of the age of the patient in question. Contraindications include
oncological illnesses, thrombophlebitis and other contraindications that
might occur during application of vibrational therapy.
- A complex of therapeutic activities have been developed within the scope
of this method. These are directed at the vegetative as well as central
nervous system, and at regeneration of the system of sexual functions.
In addition, healing and prophylactic measures against hemorrhoids have
been developed. This is achieved by means of a specialized complex
of vibrational therapies applied to the smooth muscle organs and striped
muscles of the small pelvis through which sexual nerves and muscles pass,
and blood vessels that service the sexual and urinary tracts are located.
- Notwithstanding the circumstance that this method is directed primarily
toward recovery of motor functions, it also yields an overall enhancement
[of the body’s condition]—particularly with regard to intellectual development.
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